Our Service Providers - DSP Ohio

Our Service Providers

Learn how our many partners are making a difference across the state.

Walk of Joy

Walk of Joy

Walk of Joy serves and supports individuals and their families to improve quality of life by teaching and developing skills towards independence and self-sufficiency.


Walk of Joy supports and promotes meaningful engagement for individuals in their community. We believe everyone should have a vibrant life where they live, work, play and worship. We help individuals engage by helping them discover and contribute their unique gifts, feel valued for their contribution, and are truly connected to their community.

Trauma Informed Care

Walk of Joy is a Trauma Responsive agency that understands the affects adverse childhood experiences can have on the development of the brain. We continuously strive to understand each individual’s life experiences, recognize triggers, behaviors, and patterns, and respond appropriately with interventions. Our certified trauma specialists provide training to staff and support them in the field.

Our Opportunities

Who are we looking for?

Fun loving, caring, compassionate, enthusiastic, and motivated employees to be Direct Support Professionals! Various shifts available.

  • Must be at least 18 years old

  • Must have high school diploma/GED

  • Driver’s license, full coverage insurance, and own car required

  • Other required trainings are provided

Why Work for Us?

Our employees leave a lasting impact on those they serve. From helping with everyday chores to integrating individuals into the community, every task and interaction is important.

Find us Online


Contact us

3600 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, 45207
p. (513) 376-9461

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