Our Service Providers - DSP Ohio

Our Service Providers

Learn how our many partners are making a difference across the state.

Friend Home

Friend Home

The Friend Home is a small, privately owned business in Mansfield, Ohio. This was the first group home established in Richland County. It is named after its originators and has been in existence since the early 1960s. The purpose of the home is to care for developmentally disabled individuals, making sure that their needs are met on a daily basis. This care includes, but is not limited to, personal hygiene, meal preparation, dispensing medications and specialized activities.

Our Opportunities

Direct care and assistance to clients to help them live as independently as possible.

Why Work for Us?

This business is a positive workplace for many reasons.
The main reason, being the clients themselves. They are funny, compassionate, entertaining, and sometimes unpredictable. There is a lot of cooperation and support among the staff members. They are able to keep things in perspective, have fun, and laugh. The days are not always easy but the reward is great. If you were to work with us you would be part of a wonderful team.

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Contact us

121 Wolf Rd.
Mansfield , 44903
p. 419.565.5123

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