Our Service Providers - DSP Ohio

Our Service Providers

Learn how our many partners are making a difference across the state.

Open Arms Health Systems

Open Arms Health Systems

Open Arms was started in 2011 by a family of medical providers. Our mission is to empower individuals with developmental disabilities to live dignified, independent and successful lives. We offer Adult Day Waiver and Residential Services throughout Ohio.

Our Opportunities

We have employment opportunities in our vocational habilitation, day program, non-medical transportation and residential departments. We are looking for team players that want to help people to live their best life. There is unlimited potential for growth in the company and throughout the state.

Why Work for Us?

We truly care about and appreciate our employees. We are all on the same team! We don't care about titles. Each employee is just as valuable as the person they are standing beside. We have a positive work atmosphere and encourage our employees to grow both personally and professionally.

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Contact us

868 Freeway Drive N
Columbus, 43229
p. (614) 385-8354

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